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What inspired this sticker pack?

Well, I myself am neurodivergent and first and foremost designed this sticker pack to work for my own neurodivergent brain. For me, my brain consists of tons of pop up windows at all times (hello ADHD). I love having the ability to get these pop up windows/thoughts down in my planner in a way that I can visually process quickly. I can consume this information easily because the operating system GUI (graphic user interface) is literally something I’ve been using since I was… very, very young. So it makes sense to me that the pop up window theme is easy for my brain to process: it’s familiar. It’s something many of us have grown up using, and are very comfortable with seeing.


This is me! LOL seriously when I say I’ve been a windows girl my whole life (up until March 2022)… I’m not kidding.



Asset 20bg6.png


What makes these stickers neurodivergent?

I’ve spent multiple months now researching all kinds of ND traits. I’ve turned these traits into problems that tried to solve with a sticker, and here we are!

You can still participate and win stickers! (Facebook Post) (Instagram Story) (Facebook Post) (Facebook Cover).png


I created the error messages to help keep you mindful of early and late working signs you might be experiencing physically or mentally. Hopefully we can notice the signs before we reach full meltdown/shutdown mode using the warning messages. But the error messages are there for the times in our lives where we can’t cope. Slap these error messages over plans that didn’t go your way or on top of the alert sticker to elaborate on the situation a bit in the message box.


goal setting

Having strong goals gives you a sense of purpose. Goal setting can be used for motivation, self-discovery/exploration, and a guide for making decisions. I like to sketch out a mind map/brain dump of all my intentions I want to possibly accomplish. Then I prioritize them. From there I select the one thing I want to focus on. Put this thing as your main goal and then break down the goal into smaller, bite-sized tasks to help you get it done!


prioritizing tasks

A trademark neurodivergent trait is not knowing what to delegate to do now and what to hold off on to do later. Prioritizing key tasks that are aligned with your goals and intentions for the day/week/month will help you feel like you have a clear starting point for your day.


special interests/fixations

Sometimes neurodivergent’s can get lost in their special interests. Consider using the special interest stickers to track how much time is going into the hobby, or to remind yourself to take a break. These stickers can be used to record hobbies, collections, etc.


visual processing

Chances are if you’re looking to purchase this sticker pack: you’re likely a visual learner! Which means you process information from images much easier than blocks of text. This is why I’ve created some icons to quickly grab your attention on the page.


reminder alerts

Forgetfulness isn’t inherently a neurodivergent trait, but it can be a symptom of neurodiversity. For example, autism and ADHD are often closely couples with forgetfulness and bad memory. I hope these stickers help keep you on task!


focus tasks

Hyperfocusing on a task for long periods of time is certainly a neurodivergent trademark. Hyperfocusing can be good and bad. It’s great to get a lot done on tasks that need to be done but sometimes we can focus on the wrong thing or get lost in the activity for too long. Use these stickers to track in your planner what you plan to focus on for the day/week/month.



Task multiplying is when you go to do a seemingly simple task, such as doing the dishes. But first to do the dishes, you must clean the countertops, unload the dishwasher, sweep the floor, etc. Sometimes these tasks aren’t necessary to get the original task done but this is simply how many neurodivergent brains work. Use these stickers to organize the task multiplying chaos in your head.


task initiation

Many ND brains struggle with task initiation: which is trouble with just getting a task STARTED, nevertheless completed. You can improve your initiation to do tasks by scheduling smaller, more fun tasks at the very beginning of your to do list to warm your brain up to start working on heavier projects as you move down your list.



Routines help us keep positive habits on the day to day. Create a routine that sparks joy and creativity in your life and stick to it. Don’t be afraid to change it up every now and then especially if it’s not working for you anymore.


recycle bin

The recycle bin section is completely empty! On purpose! It’s an extra page for you to duplicate as many times as you want and collect stickers on. I release many freebie stickers in my Facebook group as .png files that you can conveniently collect on this page!


Can these stickers be for neurotypicals, too?

ABSOLUTELY! Let’s get one thing straight: I’m not trying to gatekeep planning and organization here. These stickers are for EVERYONE because the traits these stickers are designed around are not specific to only neurodivergent brains. Anyone can possess these traits. (ND’s just experience them more intensely, that’s all.)




Let’s take a tour through the Neurodivergent.exe stickerbook in colorway Sunset V1:




Neurodivergent.exe is a 100+ stickerbook organized neatly into categories. The book itself is designed to emulate that of an operating system graphic user interface (please remember this is NOT AN APP, it just JUST a hyperlinked .goodnotes file containing pre-cropped stickers). You’re able to click on the desktop icons, and close the main category windows to return to your desktop screen. I’ve included 11 different categories that the stickers are organized into. I’ve also included a little “recycle bin” which if you click it you will be brought to an empty blank page. This page is blank for a reason: it is there for you to use to collect my freebie stickers that I give out frequently! (Duplicate this specific page over and over again as needed.)


